
Showing posts from June, 2023

Every good deeds you have done has a good impact.

Hello everyone  It's been a long time without uploading any blogs. Our school just started yesterday and 5 months have already passed. I kind of feel sad when I think that it's my last year in this school.   Today was a great day for me even tho you all didn't ask.  😅 This morning in our school assembly in front of every student and teacher shared my experiences,  lessons, and how I felt doing the self-initiative work.  I was the one who host today's program as there were a total of 5 students including myself.  All of them volunteer to share their thoughts on self-initiative works.  And I really would like to thank our science teacher who gave us this golden opportunity.  Speech on: education is not only about reading and writing.  Started the program with my speech which I wrote.    moments captured when I was sharing my experiences.  Usually, I used to have fear when I stand in front of everyone but today was different as I was confident to stand up in front of ever

Summary of think and grow rich 🤑

 First of all, let me share with you the  13 principles of Napolean.  Desire   Faith   Auto-suggestion   Specialized knowledge   Imagination   Organized Planning   Decision  Persistence  Power of the mastermind  The mystery of sex transmutation  The subconscious mind  The brain  The sixth sense  Let's start with Desire   Knowing what one wants (desire) For me, this chapter hits hard. Here the author took the example of Barnes whose desire was to become an assistant to Thomas Addison. He set a great example for me.  The man named Barnes. First, to work with Thomas he has to travel but the sad thing is that he doesn't have money for the train expense.  So if we are in his shoe we would probably give up but somehow he managed to reach Thomas and became his assistant. We always have a plan B in case A doesn't work out but for Barnes, this wasn't the case he said to himself that he will do whatever it takes him to become the assistant of Thomas and he did become.  We should

Think and grow rich

                Book title ---- Think and grow rich  Author -------- Napoleon Hill This book is a self-help book that has sold around a million copies.  Consists of 331 pages  Cost ₹150/- In this book, the author is trying to teach us how to change our thought to succeed.   He has taken examples of many famous people to show us the way to success.  The author Napoleon by doing his research found put 13 principles including many things such as how to manifest our brain and how not to fear failure.   This doesn't always talk about finance but also how to live a decent life with a mind full of knowledge.  As for me, I would like to thank our science teacher Gen Wanga La for recommending me this book.  When first started reading it,  it was quite understandable but later as the chapter grew stronger it was hard to understand it instead of giving up I read it again and again and I have no regrets about that.  It's a great book  I would like to give it a 4 🌟🌟🌟🌟 If you ask me why