Summary of think and grow rich 🤑

 First of all, let me share with you the  13 principles of Napolean. 

  1. Desire 
  2. Faith 
  3. Auto-suggestion 
  4. Specialized knowledge 
  5. Imagination 
  6. Organized Planning 
  7. Decision 
  8. Persistence 
  9. Power of the mastermind 
  10. The mystery of sex transmutation 
  11. The subconscious mind 
  12. The brain 
  13. The sixth sense 

Let's start with Desire 

Knowing what one wants (desire)

For me, this chapter hits hard. Here the author took the example of Barnes whose desire was to become an assistant to Thomas Addison. He set a great example for me. 

The man named Barnes. First, to work with Thomas he has to travel but the sad thing is that he doesn't have money for the train expense. 

So if we are in his shoe we would probably give up but somehow he managed to reach Thomas and became his assistant.

We always have a plan B in case A doesn't work out but for Barnes, this wasn't the case he said to himself that he will do whatever it takes him to become the assistant of Thomas and he did become. 

We should respect his burning desire.

The key point of desire is not to quit and have a definite desire.


The head chemist of the mind and the most powerful emotions and major positive emotions. 

Faith is a context which is a strong belief that creates within ourselves to accomplish our definite purpose 

Faith is created by the affirmation or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind. 

Faith is something in a state of mind which will develop at its own will.

The author said that the emotion of love is closely akin to the state of mind known as faith. 

And wherever we have faith in something it seems to happen.

First, before faith, the thought occurs so that when we transmit it into faith and build our dreams. 

Having faith in ourselves can make you go high.


Is a term that applies to all suggestions and all self-administered stimuli which reach one mind through the five senses. 

The agency which communicates between the parts of the mind where conscious thought takes place and that serves as the seat of action for the subconscious mind.

No thought can enter the subconscious mind without the aid of the principle of auto-suggestion.

Auto-suggestion is the one that feeds our subconscious mind and if we feed it up with negatives we will gradually be full of negatives so feed the subconscious mind with the thoughts of what we want in our life so that we can be able to work on it.


There are two kinds of knowledge. One is general, and the other is specialized.

A true definition of an educated man is one who developed the faculties of his/her mind so that they may acquire anything they want, or its equivalent, without violating the rights of others.

Specialized knowledge is among the most plentiful and cheapest forms of service which may be had.


The imagination is the workshop wherein are fashioned all plans created by man. 

It has been said that man creates anything which he can develop. 

Two forms of imagination 

1)Synthetic imagination 

2)creative imagination 

Synthetic imagination 

One may arrange old concepts, and ideas, and plan into new combinations (create nothing)

Creative imagination 

Through this imagination has direct communication with infinite intelligence. 

It works automatically 

Both synthetic and creative faculties of imagination become more alert with use, just as any muscle or organ of the body develops through use.

Organized planning 

Plan everything before we do something.

If we give up before our goal has been reached then you are a quitter. 

In this chapter, the author also teaches us how to become a leader.


In this chapter, it has been written that we should not listen to others or be influenced by the opinion of others then we will have no desire of our own.


 an essential factor in the procedure of transmitting the desire into its monetary equivalent. 

With persistence, you can win in any situation but without persistence, you will be defeated even before you start.

The fear of criticism is at the bottom of the destruction of most ideas that never reach the planning and action stage.

Power if the mastermind 

Plans are inert and useless, without sufficient power to translate them into action.

The brain functions similarly to the group of batteries as a greater mind or the group of minds with greater people.

 The subconscious mind 

The subconscious mind consists of a field of consciousness. 

The subconscious mind works day and night. 

In our subconscious, we can't plant thoughts, or plans,  which are translated into monetary equivalents.

That's all for now thank you for reading it. 

Hope you enjoyed 



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