How does working at cafè feel

 Hello everyone, 

So lately i have been helping one of gen(one monk) at his café. I always go there at night time as it open around 6pm and i hi there around 7pm and help him till 9pm. 

While helping him I have learned of new things lie making lemon soda, lemon honey ginger tea, i wished to learn how to make coffee but i got no courage to ask him but i help him from my heart like a social work. 

There are not that much works to do, we get busy only at Tuesday as it's holiday of monks and lots of monks come there to have fun and we have serve tham and make many things.

By doing this i had a great experience and working in cafe was one of my dream as it always seem stunning in kdrama people working there and one of my dream is to do hostel management. So doing that kind of things i got some experience how it work and i am happy 😁

I got very friendly with that gen, and whenever we forget to go there to help he will come to call us and one my friend's birthday was celebrated inside that cafe by that gen which was very nice feeling.


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