Who moved my cheese 🍕🧀

Cheese:- Here cheese refers to what we want in our life.


In this book there are 4 characters, two of them are mice named 'Sniff,Scurry' and we have two little people ' Hem,Haw'. They all live in maze.

 Maze:- Here maze refers to the things which we all do in our daily life.

So all of them are searching for the cheese in that maze.

Sniff and Scurry are very quick they are always ready to move onto the future and run away from the present and worrying about the future. but...

Haw and Ham are different let's see how these two are different.

Here Haw and Ham found cheese in section C but as we all know that everything is not perfect their cheese was out so Ham was not yet ready to accept it but Haw different.

Instead of staying in and regretting it he went for the search for the cheese. Concuring bus fear he went into the maze for the deep search of cheese but there was Hem who was not able to accept the changes.

Haw's hardwork pays off finally by fing a cheese in section N.

_After reading that book i asked myself who I was so_ 


 For me I can relate my character with Hem. He is just like me, I have realised that both of us are not ready yet to accept the changes happening in our life. We both wanted our old self without even trying to find something better coming in our future.

 _So which character I wanted to be_ 


By reading this book I have learned many new things and i want to be like Haw who is very hardworking. He knows his fear and plan before doing anything. Overcoming its fear and moving to a new direction by hoping for good things.


  1. He who has an established goal with a zeal to fight till the end with resilence and hardwork will never fail. Every tiny efforts of yours will be treasured and is the foundation in your way to become the greatest of the great...

  2. Change can be uncomfortable and scary at times, more so for a teenager trying to navigate the world! We can all benefit from cultivating a willing attitude towards change :) I am glad this book prompted you to reflect. Hmm, do you know what your cheese is?

    1. Yes i do know but i am not confident to share it


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