A little thing called happiness 😌

 Hello forbearance readers...

Most welcome to my blog

Today was a remembering day. 

Let me be honest right 😅 today is the last day of Tashi Lumpo School and we were a little late so the grade iii students were already outside playing as it was their PT period. 

We as students also know how it feels to stay in one classroom so instead of teaching we played with them. 

And I don't have any regret that we made that decision. 

>It felt refreshing to see them enjoying and playing well. 

> I felt that sometimes outdoor activities are necessary. 

> They were very enthusiastic to play with us and we were not afraid of getting hurt. 

I and my teams tried out best to make them feel enjoyable. 

Had a ball. Thank you. 

Now moving to class iv

> They were the same as them.  Lively, excited. 

>The good thing that I notice is that they are only in 4th grade yet they make notes on what we teach them. 

> They were asking us to write the spelling on the board 

>Look how responsive they are. <3

With chaotic class iv

As it was our last day there we give them a hearty goodbye with candids. ☺️

That's all for today, hope you enjoyed it. 
Have a great ~


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