A warming visit to old age house🤧

 Hello everyone 

Welcome to my blog. 

Today I and my team visit the old age home at the second camp. 

 Goal; - to spend time with them. 

It was a great day with new experiences. We didn't expect that our team will be separated but it was great as we got individual blocks. 

Without going into detail I would like to share the texture. 

The old ages seemed to live a very peaceful life.  All of them were busy on their own. 

As for me, I swiped the floor and mop it. The floor looks clean but the truth is there were lots of dirt.

  As cleaning wasn't our goal so I started shaping His Holiness the 14 Dalai lama's speech. 

First I visited one pop(grandpa)

Name: Tsering 


Age:     85

Residence: TDL 1st 




Stay with his spouse. 


The left one is his spouse.  She is 90 years old. Her name. MEME 🤗

She has hearing disorder. 🤧

But when I show His Holiness the 14th Dalai lama. 

Look at their pure reaction. Felt very happy to see them looking like this.   Even if she wasn't able to hear but look at her gesture. 🤧

It is kind of sad that they don't have mobile phones or TV.  If they have I think they will watch and listen to his holiness the 14 Dalai lamas speech. 

I showed them that and also have a little bit of chit-chat with them and others too. 

Po Tsering likes to listen to music and he also has a great voice.  The couple has been staying here for 3 years. 

Bliss to meet them. 

Again here while they were listing to speech.  I went where my team were.  
With cool popo. 😎

They shared us about them and we also sang together.  It felt nice to spend time with them.  

I was wondering how lonely they must be feeling.  But really to see those smiles after talking with us. 

These two are the oldest ones.  Grandfather is 95 and the grandmother is around 97.

It was a pleasure to meet them and talk about their lives and the amazing thing is that they still remember clearly their hometown (Tibet) 

It was a great day. We spend half a day with them which was very fun and exciting. 

That's all for today.  Thank you and visit again~


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