Last day with a new experiences.

 Hello beautiful people

I'm again here with new experiences which I would treasure to share with you all. 

Today was the last day at Sera Mey Thoesam School. 

And the last classes were IV'C' and III'C'

Let's start with grade IV'C'

They were 24 students but one was left. 

The students in this class were energetic and responsive. 

One of the students caught my attention as his answers were very valid and reasonable. 

To be honest all of them answers very nicely. Some of their answers are quite amusing. 

Had a fun and great day there. But sometimes situations like these happen ๐Ÿฅฒ

Going through many classes I realise that
When the students answer together it is hard to get which of them is saying the correct answer. 

      (it is important to raise your hand and answer. )

With uncontrollable geared IVC

Let's go to grade IIIC

Class of 21 students. 

These students were a little bit quiet. 
It seems like they know the answer but they answer them in a very low voice(not confident with their answers)

This class
Doesn't looks like students of 21 ๐Ÿ˜…

The good thing I noticed was that the student was very concerned that they were copying the name of the lotion even tho we did not ask them to. 
With grade IIIC

After finishing up with the class said goodbye to everyone and we had lunch there it was delicious. 

That's all for today thank you and bye.  Hope you enjoyed it. ~


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