Digest of (widening the circle of love)πŸ“–


The book starts on considering everyone equal

 Whenever we speak of something instead of looking at the secondary things like religion, poor or rich we should focus on the common background which is human. We all are born as human and die as human.

If we really wish to have a real happiness, than we must widen or sharpen our love.

Only through kindness and love peace of mind can be achieved.

The purpose of this book is to grow true love to grow.

Rather than thinking about only yourself and trying to dominate other will not work so it is important to think ourselves [all humankinds] as brothers and sisters.

Religion doesn’t mean to wear robe and praying for god, religion is when we think of world benefit.


If you think that the emotion problematic cannot be taken out than you are wrong because it can be removed as it is temporary.

Benefits of meditation

  • Improve memory and build mindfulness

  • How to meditate

  • Do not think about about what happened in past and what might happen in future.

  • Let the mind flow of its own accord without thought

  • Observe the minds nature of luminous clarity

  • Stay with this experience for while

>It would be hard at beginning but gradually you will get to use to it.

Due to the misconception these things such as hatred and anger are born.

Suffering is caused and permitted by our untamed mind.

 Just like how we get concerned when our friend get sick the love and compassion should be given to everyone as equal as no one wants suffering

Without a sense of equality unbiased love and compassion cannot even start

Because we cannot predict the future  because the one which you are friend may become your enemy and the enemy to your friend so why not treat everyone equally.

Help or harm from someone is temporary.

The equality creates or set the foundation of love.

We should thank each and everyone your friends and the neutral one and your enemy because the neutral one is maybe your mother in the past life even if that person didn’t did anything just think about it as your past lifetime mother if she wasn’t present for two hours we might not survive.

Now enemy we should thank our enemy because through them we learn patience and tolerance if it wasn’t them then we won’t we bale to face them without emotional breakdown. So respond them with gratitude.

And the book is concluded by the  last advice from His Holiness the 14 Dalia Lama.


New words 


That's all thank you, hope you learned something from here. Do visit again ☺️~








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