The best out of best! 😌

 Anyoung everyone.

Today we visited to class II'C'

It was the best class among the primary section.

All the students were very energetic and enthusiastic.

They were fed up with lots of information due to that  whenever we ask them questions there wasn't a time that they don't know the answer.  They were very funny fed up with lots of silly jokes.

I really appreciate the class II'C' students. I did not see it coming. The class was fill with lots of laugh and love with education. 

They were responsive and especially to the junk food part as they are familiar with it.

With chaotic class II'C'.
Today's realisation

I came to know that it seems like the topic of health is little high to the younger ones as they are not even familiar with things such as physical and mental.

Whenever I bring the topic of mental health the younger ones doesn't seem to get it as it is little bit high topic to them.

So because of this the previous primary classes were not able to understand me and were not responsive 😞

But today's realisation gave me a lesson so that I can try other things to the primary students.

But today we really had a great class. Thanks to each and every students and also the teachers for giving us their precious time to let our awareness program spread awareness.


This student was sweeping 🧹 and he was like 'we got inspired from our campaign to stay clean so thats why they are making the school clean' πŸ˜‚

Even tho we know that it's their duty and have turn to sweep the school πŸ˜…

 That's all for today. Thank you for spending your previous time on reading my blog. πŸ«‚πŸ™

Hope you enjoyed ~


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