Unforgettable memories 🌸

Hello everyone, <3

CAUTION=  This blog will be long so its up to you, whether read or just leave it.

Before going to my blog I really would like to thank Sera Jey Principal sir( gen Pema Sangpo) from my side and my team  for giving us yours precious period.  I like to say that we spend your class in a very productive way.

 So Let get stared!!!


Today visit to Sera Jey class X, we thought that our today's class will be quite as I have mentioned in my  previous blog that the older students are not very responsive as the younger classes.

But it turn opposite on what we have thought.

The total strength was 39 but today we were having only 35 audience as 4 of them were on leave.

I think for me this class will be the most memorable one. the students were very smart and responsive.

First I really did have a little bit of nervousness as we were of same grade and was afraid that I  may make mistake. but once I started my explanation the atmosphere hit different.

They were well focused. As I go through their faces I was able to sense the spirit of learning something new alive within them. 

!! As a teacher it feel great when everyone is paying attention to your lesson and they seems interested!!

They were all very responsive and they all seem very bright students.

I would love to show our gratitude towards them for being very attentive in our class and it was winwin  class as I also learned many new things from them



  • Not talking when someone is speaking.
  • Being respectful and playing attention .
  • Writing  quick notes.📖
  • Standing up without fear and able to clear doubt.

Our main goal for this initiative is to give back to society but the truth is it is not all about giving back we also get back many new things.

There wasn't a situation where they got no answers when we ask them questions. 😄

This class was the longest class we have ever taken, almost like 2 hours.

I really appreciate the students for not going to break and giving their valuable time and they also gave us their self study period.

We really had fun with lots of learnigs.

They got very high thinking brain that they asked us some question which we have to think really carefully before answering. 

Through Q&A session I got many  knowledge from them.

I kind of felt afraid to ask them questions as theirs questions required very high level thinking.😅

That's all for today and our class end with a beautiful snapping.

Result 🪄


Legendary class X😎👏

I would like to thank you each and every students for making my day special and memorable.

Thats all for today, the one who have come to till end i really appreciate you and congratulations 🎉👏




  1. Thank you miss la, for your great awareness. I think, miss la, had noticed the boy with no ambition. It me... Here I am not going to pass a silly comment because I am not good at any things to give others. I am an empty vessel but I am wondering to thank you from the corner of my heart and the side of my classmate too... Sorry for every mistake we had did. As we are human we are made of emotions like physical or mental or as social well-being were changed by mistake. That I had learn immense knowledge from your group.thank you very much. GOD WILL ALWAYS ENDOW YOU.

    1. Thank you, it's glad to hear that you learn things from us. It was a great day.

  2. Congratulations 🎉 friend happy to see doing progress in your life


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