Heartwarming day!!!

Hello everyone, 

It's been a while without posting anything. I am sorry about that.

Today was a very great day. After a long time, I got a chance to visit an old age home. Firstly want to thank our science teacher Gen Wangla's idea who giving me this opportunity to do good deeds, I feel fortunate enough.

 Gen[ sir] Wanga la has planned to give lunch to the old age people. so, before lunch we were going to clean the stays of old parents and as you all know what they are left there by their children. What was essential for them for the time being was not other than love so, our motto was to spread love and help them stay happy.

In the morning after finishing extra classes we headed there. Me and my friend Sonam teamed up and went to two grandparents. they were sweeter than I believed.  The room was already cleared so we started tying up the cupboards as they said it was difficult to take the clothes and things out. 

He was shy when he saw the camera. 

While tidying up we talked with Popo (grandfather)

He shared with us about his life and how he came here from Tibet. His journey in life seems harsh but he was now living happily there. 

After the cupboard was cleaned there were many dirty clothes so we washed them. They had good facilities so we washed it on washing machines but it was not automatic. 

The funniest thing was we were recording ourselves while putting on the cover of the blanket and many of them and lots of people came there blocking the view. 😅

We spent lots of time with them but were not able to record it. I felt very blessed when two of them gave me the blessings. 

As we were all working some of my friends were distributing snacks among the elders. I saw their reaction those were priceless. 

Soon lunchtime arrived so went to serve the lunch. 

Felt so happy to see their smile.

Soon the time came when we had to leave, it was so quick that I didn't even realize it was already noon. 

It was hard to say goodbye but we had to leave so I said a heartfelt goodbye to Popo,  I promised to visit them again. 

After leaving the old age home we went I have lunch which was given by Gen Wangla it was appetizing and the funny thing is I ate lots. I had lunch with my mates and the teacher left me with a momentous memory. 

What I came to know was
They seem lonesome even when there are many people like them. 

The relations between each of the elders were not good. 

All of them spent time doing different things but the common thing was they were all praying to god every day. 

Just like how happy they were to see was, so were we. 

I have nothing left to say to them but I asked them to be happy and that's what matters. 

After getting blessings and appreciation it encourages me to do more. 

While leaving the old age home the thoughts that appeared were ' I wished there were more time spent with them'. 
But that was not possible but I will soon make time to visit them. 

Today's memories still make me think of those desolate faces of elders. I was like one day I also have to become like that. They all looked helpless so I decided to set my time nicely as I had that chance. 

And lastly, once again Gen Wanga la thank you. 
I hope good fortune will always favour you and thank you for showing a good example and encouraging us to be kind to others. 
Our hero Gen Wanga la. 

Gen La is not seen in many photos but this heartwarming day happened because of him. 

Our inspiration. 😎


  1. You did a great job at leading by example. Thank you for the hard work.👍


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