
UWC Awareness.

Hello everyone!!!! Welcome to another interesting blog.   Today in this blog I am going to take you all into the world of UWC. So, lets get start with what is UWC and its brief history. §   UWC which stands for united world college is a global education movement that brings students from all over the world. §   The aims or the motto of UWC is to promote peace and sustainability through education by providing a transformative and holistic learning experience. §   The students at UWC come from diverse backgrounds and cultures, fostering understanding and collaboration among different communities. UWC places a strong emphasis on experiential learning, community service, and intercultural understanding. §   The founder of UWC is Kurt Hahn §   The first UWC was found in 1962 which is UWC Atlantic. §   The first UWC school was built on the idea that if young people from different backgrounds were educated together, they could build an understanding which could prevent fu

Graduation 🎓 (Big Day!!!)

  Hello everyone I made it. Graduation of class 10th!!! My 10th year schooling has passed, yet it feels like yesterday coming to school with teary eyes. It was the most awaited day but when it knocks the door I wished its long way to come. Today is March 24th but we had graduation on 20th March. As I enter through the school gate my heart kind of felt heavy. Remembering it would be my last in this school as student made and it was one of the saddest feeling, however that’s how life goes right. Our graduation was on other level. As we enter the hall there was a tress which has the photos of the graduating students which are 10th and 12th. I was funny yet captivating. Whoever's idea was that I salute you!  Splendid   As the clock strike 2;15 our ceremony starts with welcoming speech and with cutting the cake. At school, a ceremony without principal's speech is incomplete. His speech was on other level as always and felt sad to know that it would be the last time hearing his spee


  Hello everyone ,  It's been a while right? I know but I am sorry for not being active. Since was in 10th grade I was having my board exam that's why I was not able to post. For me board exam was a big pressure. And it's my 1st time I was excited plus scared.😅 But right now my board is over and guess what vacation starts.  Today in this blog I'm just going to write the thoughts which I'm having. As the new year sparks I first enter the class 10th the only goal was getting excellent percentage in board exam. But inbetween many thing happened.  It's true that distraction are everywhere but we have to stick to our goals. To be honest starting of my 10th grade I remember studying very hard. When I say hardwork I meant  hardwork because I remember not taking any breaks and soley focusing only on my books. Sleeping late and waking up early. And the quotation was true. 'hardwork ripes sweet fruits' I got excellent mark on my 1st periodic . But gradually I was

Excursion 1st day (2023-2024)

Greeting everyone...  I hope you all are doing well,  and for today's blog, I am going to share my experiences about our school excursion to Kerala. The excursion was for class X and IX. Including teachers and students, we had a total strength of 48. We planned to spend days and one night. and here I'm going to share about my first day.  Before starting I would like to express my gratitude to our teachers who worked hard for this excursion and thank you for making this excursion one of my lifelong experiences.  I was looking forward to this trip. We were informed that we had to reach to school around 2;15 unfortunately I fell asleep till 2:15 a.m. but thank goodness my friends woke me up on time and to my surprise, I got ready in 5 minutes(lol)  Our journey began at 3 a.m. My favourite part of travelling is riding on the bus and staying lost in my thoughts.  I tried hard to sleep but I was not able to. I thought to enjoyed the view but it was still dark so nothing was visible. 

Heartwarming day!!!

Hello everyone,  It's been a while without posting anything. I am sorry about that. Today was a very great day. After a long time, I got a chance to visit an old age home. Firstly want to thank our science teacher Gen Wangla's idea who giving me this opportunity to do good deeds, I feel fortunate enough.  Gen[ sir] Wanga la has planned to give lunch to the old age people. so, before lunch we were going to clean the stays of old parents and as you all know what they are left there by their children. What was essential for them for the time being was not other than love so, our motto was to spread love and help them stay happy. In the morning after finishing extra classes we headed there. Me and my friend Sonam teamed up and went to two grandparents. they were sweeter than I believed.  The room was already cleared so we started tying up the cupboards as they said it was difficult to take the clothes and things out.  He was shy when he saw the camera.  While tidying up we talked w

Everyday with new lessons

 Hello everyone!!!  Hope you all are doing fine and if you ask about me then I am probably not.  Last week I was busy due to an exam and it's over now.  My exam didn't go well but today our science teacher(Wangla) said something which made me. Realise something important thing in my life. (self-realization) He said marks don't matter and coming top in class is not important but the only thing which matters is being a good human being. And many things but these lines hit me very hard.  Gen(sir) Wanga always gave us life-learning lessons and advice which I sometimes think of writing a book on him and I promise I will do one day.  ~~~ Now, coming to the point I just want to share something new,  if you have been reading my blog then you probably know that during my summer vacation, I have done some social work and if you ask me if I'm still doing something new then yes!!!!  I have started tutoring students in the hostel.  Only 4 days have passed away and what I would like

School life (unremitting)

 Hello everyone!  How are you all?  It's been a long time without updating,  I'm sorry for that. Those days I was busy not only with me but the whole school because of  His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama's birthday preparation. And many things  Do you all know that the student's life is the most boring, exciting, mixed memories with mixed emotions.  And it's very fun I enjoyed it.    Now let's get started...  First with a football tournament  Commentator Me being the most annoying commentator, secretly cheering my friends.  My house (thak-nyom) and gawa Sadly was not able to make it till the final.  But I did enjoy the game that is what I'm grateful for.  6th July  His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama's birthday 🎉  We celebrated his birthday at our school.  I don't have the clip of the Tibetan song performance but I do have the optional one.   Here it is  👇 School fair .  The next day we had a small fair at our school  Where I help our guidance ma'am