
Showing posts from May, 2023

Review of 8 rules of love ❤️

Book name = 8 rules of love Author > Jay Shetty Jay Shetty  Genre=   self-help  >his book contains 268 pages with 4 parts.  >cost ₹499 >In this book the author has described or taught us how to live with anyone.  Especially how to maintain a good relationship with our partners.  >As the title 8 Rules of Love the author Jay has come up with 8 rules.  > When it says love it's not about it all but also a self-help book with sensible advice which is needed by every human being.  Summary Thank you ~

8 rules of love

 Book ------ 8 RULES OF LOVE  Author-----JAY SHETTY  Reason for reading this book    👉 the author of this book is Jay Shetty and last year I became his huge fan.  During my spare time, I like to listen to his podcast 'On Purpose' Every week he uploads mementoes podcasts which give me hope and strength.  Through his podcast, he talks about his new boom which made me excited to read it and so I purchased it.  Summary  This book shares the 8 rules of love which are created by the author.  8 rules  Let Yourself Be Alone  Don't Ignore your Karma  Define love before you Think it, Feel it, or Say it   Your partner is your guru  Purpose Comes First  Win or Lose Together  You Don't Break in a Breakup  Love Again and Again  Let Yourself Be Alone  In this rule, the author Jay talks about the fear of loneliness.  How to overcome the loneliness of solitude.  The author has jotted down that solitude is the key to happiness and the antidote to loneliness. On the last page of this rul

A little thing called happiness 😌

  Hello forbearance readers... Most welcome to my blog Today was a remembering day.  Let me be honest right 😅 today is the last day of Tashi Lumpo School and we were a little late so the grade iii students were already outside playing as it was their PT period.  We as students also know how it feels to stay in one classroom so instead of teaching we played with them.  And I don't have any regret that we made that decision.  >It felt refreshing to see them enjoying and playing well.  > I felt that sometimes outdoor activities are necessary.  > They were very enthusiastic to play with us and we were not afraid of getting hurt.  I and my teams tried out best to make them feel enjoyable.  Had a ball. Thank you.  Now moving to class iv > They were the same as them.  Lively, excited.    >The good thing that I notice is that they are only in 4th grade yet they make notes on what we teach them.  > They were asking us to write the spelling on the board  >Look how respo

Positivity ✨


A new beginning

  Hello everyone,  Today was the first visit to Tashi Lumpo Monastery School.   The strength of students in their school is 150. We got two classes. V and VI First with V They were students of 21 They were full of energy but not the same as the classes we usually take.  But they all answer well and were very corporative.  They were full of joy and energy.  They paid good concentration.  But they seem too shy to answer the questions.  With class V Moving to class VI They were the same as the earlier class V.  Total strength 16 But they were answering well but some of them very not answering even when they know the answers.  Maybe it is because they were not sure about their answers.  Look how sheepish they were 😅 But the energy in that class was good and came out for the class by making good memories.  With grade VI   That's all for today.  Have an incredible day!!!  Thank you.~

Exhausted day. 👀

Bonjour!!!  Firstly I would like to thank Sera Jey headmaster for giving us this opportunity to spread awareness among the students.   And would like to thank all the students for listening well and cooperating with us.  Today was a great day.  Today's class (II'C', kindergarten,  IX'A') All these classes gave us different lessons.                           Foremost with II'C' Io (to make them listen I was carrying a stick😅 but was of no use. ) It was sad that we weren't able to control the class.  We thought of doing activities but they were listening well so we continue with But after getting a warning from their headmaster They were all listening well. 🥲 Outrageous II'C' 😭                            Now moving to the kindergarten   We thought we won't be able to control them as they were the youngest students in school.  But they were extraordinarily hyped to see us and they were very spirited.  We know that they won't understand ou

A warming visit to old age house🤧

 Hello everyone  Welcome to my blog.  Today I and my team visit the old age home at the second camp.    Goal ; - to spend time with them.  It was a great day with new experiences. We didn't expect that our team will be separated but it was great as we got individual blocks.  Without going into detail I would like to share the texture.  The old ages seemed to live a very peaceful life.  All of them were busy on their own.  As for me, I swiped the floor and mop it. The floor looks clean but the truth is there were lots of dirt.   As cleaning wasn't our goal so I started shaping His Holiness the 14 Dalai lama's speech.  First I visited one pop(grandpa) Name : Tsering                Ngodup Age :     85 Residence : TDL 1st                Camp.  Personality :                       Friendly  Stay with his spouse.  💓🥰 The left one is his spouse.  She is 90 years old. Her name. MEME 🤗 She has hearing disorder. 🤧 But when I show His Holiness the 14th Dalai lama.  Look at their p

Last day with a new experiences.

 Hello beautiful people I'm again here with new experiences which I would treasure to share with you all.  Today was the last day at Sera Mey Thoesam School.  And the last classes were IV'C' and III'C' Let's start with grade IV'C' They were 24 students but one was left.  The students in this class were energetic and responsive.  One of the students caught my attention as his answers were very valid and reasonable.  To be honest all of them answers very nicely. Some of their answers are quite amusing.  Had a fun and great day there. But sometimes situations like these happen 🥲 Going through many classes I realise that When the students answer together it is hard to get which of them is saying the correct answer.        ( it is important to raise your hand and answer. ) With uncontrollable geared IVC Let's go to grade IIIC Class of 21 students.  These students were a little bit quiet.  It seems like they know the answer but they answer them in a very

It's you.

 They said They said I am chubby So did I try a workout They said I talk too much So did I try to make myself quite  They said I'm short So did I try everything  They said I am worthless  They said to work harder  Little did they know how hard I work They said I am lazy As if they know what goes in my mind They kept on saying and I kept on hating myself  I thought I was useless living on this planet  I tried fitting into their life by changing myself but it was hopeless  I cried and cried but little did I know that some people say You look healthy You talk very nice  You are tall(I envy you) You are helpful  You did well You are energetic  And these are the things that kept me alive throughout my most unfortunate days.  Theme ;  In our day-to-day life, we will meet lots of people who will judge us. Some may either say positive or negative things but it is up to us to choose which one to take with us.  Here the above poem shows that a person rather than looking at negative things he

Unforgettable memories 🌸

Hello everyone, <3 CAUTION=  This blog will be long so its up to you, whether read or just leave it. Before going to my blog I really would like to thank Sera Jey Principal sir( gen Pema Sangpo ) from my side and my team  for giving us yours precious period.  I like to say that we spend your class in a very productive way.  So Let get stared!!!                 ☄️ Today visit to Sera Jey class X , we thought that our today's class will be quite as I have mentioned in my  previous blog that the older students are not very responsive as the younger classes. But it turn opposite on what we have thought. The total strength was 39 but today we were having only 35 audience as 4 of them were on leave. I think for me this class will be the most memorable one. the students were very smart and responsive. First I really did have a little bit of nervousness as we were of same grade and was afraid that I  may make mistake. but once I started my explanation the atmosphere hit different. They

The best out of best! 😌

 Anyoung everyone. Today we visited to class II'C' It was the best class among the primary section. All the students were very energetic and enthusiastic . They were fed up with lots of information due to that  whenever we ask them questions there wasn't a time that they don't know the answer.  They were very funny fed up with lots of silly jokes. I really appreciate the class II'C' students. I did not see it coming. The class was fill with lots of laugh and love with education.  They were responsive and especially to the junk food part as they are familiar with it. With chaotic class II'C'. Today's realisation I came to know that it seems like the topic of health is little high to the younger ones as they are not even familiar with things such as physical and mental. Whenever I bring the topic of mental health the younger ones doesn't seem to get it as it is little bit high topic to them. So because of this the previous primary classes were no

Assessment 🤓

Book name = widening the circle of love Author = His Holiness the Dalai Lama Translated and edited = Jeffrey Hopkins The purpose of this book is to grow true love grow.   book cover  This  book teaches us how to love and have compassion towards everyone.  His Holiness the 14 Dalai lama said that if you love only your family and close ones [friends] that is not called love. It contains only 209 pages. 📃 True love is loving everyone without judging regardless of  gender identity, religion,  or  nation and everything. In this book, his holiness has taught us how to wider the circle of love through meditation.   He said that we should love everyone in the world because, in our life cycle, we have met them once but in different forms. You may think that it is not easy to love everyone but I recommend you this book so that you can also read this book and learn to love everyone. There are several meditation steps on how to grow true love and compassion, and how to f